Male against female baldness
Perhaps the most common and most familiar of hair loss in men is male pattern baldness . This is the familiar presence of hair loss that starts at the top of the forehead and continues to tell the story of " bald " , leaving an area of hair loss in a U shape around the back of the head . In women, the condition is called female pattern baldness . Women hair loss is known in the top of the head and is more gradual and less visible than the pattern baldness . Also complete baldness in women is very rare in men , while nearly baldness or baldness is inevitable.
The physiology of hair loss
Her hair has a life cycle , which follows three distinct phases. At most 90 percent of the follicles are known as the anagen phase in the hair follicles to produce strands stage . Each hair follicle is at this stage of 2-8 years . Hair follicles and go to step Catagen and during this period follicles begin to shrink. Normally takes 2-3 weeks and only 1-2 percent of hair is generally at this stage. The last stage is the telogen phase in which the hair follicle rest. About 10-15 percent of the follicles to be at this stage and it takes about 2-4 months. This loss occurs when the hair is in the telogen phase.
The physiology of hair loss
When your hair thins hair is the result of decreases slowly. Follicle size makes hair thinner and thinner . Usually , eventually shrinks the hair follicle until it is completely gone .
Other causes of hair loss in women compared with men
The causes of hair loss in women are different with men . Many hormonal and may include :
• polycystic ovary syndrome
• Menopause and aging
• Pregnancy and childbirth
• Medications such as verbal contraceptives
Other common causes include :
• Fungal Infections
• Stress
• dramatic sudden hair loss
Growth Treatment for Women
There are many medications and treatment products for hair growth in the market today . Some women do not work for or are less effective in women. Products for hair care for women growth that responds well include:
• Provillus , as it provides a hair growth treatment specifically for men and one for women . This allows you to work more efficiently due to the different wording .
• Provia , scalp treatment for men and women using Procapil to improve the health of the hair from the root.
Treatment of Men of growth
A very successful treatment for hair growth product for men, besides the above includes Profollica , which has been shown to reduce hair loss in men by 90 percent in the awakening of the dormant hair follicles .