There is a major concern about hair loss in men and women, but hair loss for women seems to be a lot more devastating because having hair in our society denotes sexiness, femininity, and attractiveness. "The crowning glory" is a mane of long luxuriant hair.
There are some time-honored suggestions for a natural hair loss remedy. These are in the form of supplements, and botanical ingredients that are inexpensive, easy to apply, and will show some promising results in six to eight weeks. In this type of method for hair growth, consistency and patience are key to having visible success. Some do-able considerations for encouraging hair growth are:
Starting with a high-potency vitamin/mineral complex that is taken each day orally can nourish the hair to re-grow:
Vitamin-B complex: A supplement containing 100 milligrams of most of the major B vitamins with an additional 50 milligrams of biotin
Zinc, 50 milligrams with food
Copper, 2 milligrams
Silica, 250 milligrams twice a day.
Vitamin C, 1,000 milligrams twice a day.
Vitamin E, 400 international units with 100 micrograms of selenium
Iron, 50 milligrams
Free-form amino acid complex, 2,000 milligrams three times a day
Beta-carotene, 25,000 international units
Hair Beauty In The Kitchen:
Mixing one part rosemary oil to two parts avocado or tea tree oil and massaging the mixture into the scalp fifteen minutes a day has been a traditional remedy to keep hair healthy and voluminous.
Sage has had a reputation for centuries as a hair loss preventive. Just as tea tree oil, sage extract can be added to shampoo for maximum effects. Double-strength sage tea used daily as a hair rinse can encourage hair growth.
Jojoba oil applied directly to the scalp can prevent hair loss.
Other ways to encourage hair growth is to limit the number and types of hair processes, such as straightening, perming and bleaching, as well as braiding and cornrowing done on the hair. These types of processes usually involve chemicals which alter the shape and density of the hair follicles, causing sensitivity, loss of elasticity, and eventually breakage.
Using gentle shampoos and a reparative protein conditioner will improve the general appearance of the hair as well as deter frizzies and dryness. Dryness is a symptom of what could be hair thinning and hair loss.
A combination herbal oil of acacia, rosehips, tea tree, avocado, wheatgerm, and safflower oil will generate hair growth. Again this is to be applied daily and takes about six to eight weeks to see visible results.
David C. Brown holds a Master of Education from Texas A@M
University in College Station, Texas and a Bachelor of Science in
Education from Midwestern State in Wichita Falls, Texas
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